Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Steve Jobs and I: Law of Attraction's Perspective

Steve Jobs and I: Law of Attraction's Perspective Review

Steve Jobs, the celebrity founder of Apple, was known for his vision, creativity and passion; less known is what drove his life and this book on Steve Jobs’ biography focuses upon his spirituality from Law of Attraction’s perspective.
The essence of Law of Attraction is: "like attracts like". It was mentioned by Napoleon Hill, had become the basis of the Abraham teachings with Ester and Jerry Hicks and made popular by Rhonda Byrne with “The Secret”.
Cristina has had an interest in spirituality from an early age and has formed her own perspective from her various studies. Steve Jobs’ life as well as a few aspects of her own life provides a though provoking book written with great deal of insight and sensitivity, exemplifying Law of Attraction at work in our lives and the value each life offers, no matter “the settings”. Read more...

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