Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Simple Guide To Steve Jobs

The Simple Guide To Steve Jobs Review

Over his life, Steve Jobs was called many different things. Most of them were positive and ranged from innovator, to intelligent, a dreamer, demanding, private, focused and determined. There are plenty more adjectives available to describe one of the most celebrated CEOs on the planet, but you must first understand the man, in order to understand the impact that he has had on the entire globe.
Steve Jobs was most probably the most famous business leader the world has or ever will know. He was a visionary and this simple guide is going to try and share some information behind the man who gave us amongst many other things Macs, iPods and iPhones. This guide tries to reflect the simplicity and ease of use that we all know in Apple products. We take a look at his early years and how he was adopted soon after birth, what he was like at school and his early working life at Atari before starting Apple. Started from a garage to become the most valuable company on earth, his departure from Apple and his years in between, before his return and then the meteoric rise of Apple are briefly discussed in this amazing short read. 20% of all profits from this book will be donated to the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation. Read more...

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