Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Secret Habits of Steve Jobs The Founder of Apple and a Highly Effective Person

The Secret Habits of Steve Jobs The Founder of Apple and a Highly Effective Person Review

With all of the great geniuses of our time, it can be difficult to find a single one that really stands out but apparently, Apple CEO Steve Jobs was one of those who really stood out. Why? Well, for one he was well known for all of his accomplishments in the world of computers. He developed technology that was so advanced for his time that some of the things he built were too advanced to be appreciated during its release. Eventually, the world was able to catch up with all the innovations that he created.

We all know the successful and well-established CEO of Apple. He seems to have it all but does anybody even wonder how he was even able to get to this point? Does anybody really know all the struggles and efforts that he put into his work just so he could get to the top?

Aside from all the tech savvy gadgets and consumer electronics that he created for people around the world, there was still another thing that Steve was well known for. He was an eccentric man with unusual taste and an unconventional belief system. He chose not to follow the norms of the society that he existed in since he practiced several beliefs that most or majority of the people found unusual and even sometimes dangerous. In his early years, he was known as the unhygienic and offensive individual in the office. Quite far from the popular Steve Jobs that you saw through the years, introducing cool gadgets on expos right? At some point in his career, he was even moved to the night shift so that he came into contact with fewer people.

In his later years, he was known to be a firm leader. He had a unique way of showing support and unusual methods of training and motivating his team. He could be hot headed at one moment and turn completely euphoric on the next. It was these types of behaviour and mannerisms that branded him as an eccentric genius. But despite all of these unusual behaviours, he still managed to establish himself in the industry amidst all of the failed attempts that he went through.

He had his fair share of ups and downs riding on that roller coaster we all call life. He was not a perfect man since he did have several confrontations and ruined relationships during his career. He could sometimes be mean to employees by making them see that what they did was not enough. Although when credit was due, he knew how to reward his people for it. Somehow, despite all the weirdness and quirks that made Steve who he was, he still had a knack of making people do what others thought impossible.

Inside that genius of a brain, he had the ability to convince people that they could do anything. That the options were limitless ¡V he had the ability to skew one¡¦s perception or outlook but in a positive manner. Let us face it, not all leaders are that effective. He may have been mean to some, but at the end of the day, he knew what the goals of the company were and he knew the most effective way to achieve it.

The living proof of Apple CEO Steve Jobs¡¦ effectiveness as a leader would be in each and every gadget ever sold by the company he created, Apple Computers. From the very first apple computer he created in the 1970¡¦s to the most recent Apple macbook today, the late Steve Paul Jobs left these legacies for the world. These remain as a permanent reminder that man can do great things. Appearances, and sometimes character can be deceiving because the ability to create something great lies within all of us. For some, it took a man like Steve Jobs to unleash that ability.

Within the pages of this book you will discover the different quirks, methods, beliefs and how Steve Jobs saw the world from the days that he was still starting out up to the time when he returned to Apple computers. As you read every page, you will discover that he truly was just a man but with different tastes than the usual. Although some brand his methods as unconventional or sometimes even questionable. Read more...

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