Tuesday, May 1, 2012

iFailed The true, inside story of NeXT

iFailed The true, inside story of NeXT Review

Steve is sadly gone… Way too early to lose him. Given his personal accomplishments, we can only wonder what great things would have laid ahead had he lived. His legacy is assured and will continue to grow as the years go by. A true genius? Certainly an icon and the enduring image of a generation. But, what about NeXT? What really happened? Why did it fail? This is the true, inside story of NeXT from the viewpoint of a company executive who worked with Steve for five years. He spent almost 100 hours with him, most of it alone on the way to and from numerous Wall St. customer meetings. The reader has to decide whether NeXT was fanciful extravagance or a basic mistiming of the marketplace. Was it bad business or just ahead of its time or a combination of all? This book relives this historical story of failure and sheds it in a dramatic new light. What can't be disputed is that it was one hell of a ride for those that were there and despite the business mistakes made, you'll see that Steve was indeed insanely great at a lot of things and why he will always have a revered and significant place in history. Read more...

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