Thursday, March 22, 2012

Steve Jobs, his life in pictures

Steve Jobs, his life in pictures Review

When I first decide to write a book about Steve Jobs, the first thing I thought was; what can I say about Steve that is not written yet. Everyone knows the answer: Nothing.
Afterwards an idea become to my mind, why don’t just show his life in photographs, the idea was a bit risky, but is also something different to an usually biography.
After some months doing some research I found nearly 4000 different photographs, so I just decide to choose 300 that really are part of his life essence. I am sure that most of the pictures I show you today you can find it in internet, but this book in not about photographs, is about the history that lay behind them.

Enjoy your reading.

Tras unos meses de investigación encontré cerca de cuatro mil fotos diferentes de Steve Jobs y sus productos. Decidí elegir unas pocas pero que sean representativas de su vida, y que tuviesen una historia que contar. Al fin y al cabo no es un libro de fotografías sino un libro sobre la vida de una persona.

Así es como comienza un libro que te tendrá atrapado desde la primera a la última página y que cuando le acabes estarás deseando mas porque seguro que se te habrá hecho corto debido a su fácil y rápida lectura... Read more...

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Steve Jobs, his life in pictures Specifications

When I first decide to write a book about Steve Jobs, the first thing I thought was; what can I say about Steve that is not written yet. Everyone knows the answer: Nothing.
Afterwards an idea become to my mind, why don’t just show his life in photographs, the idea was a bit risky, but is also something different to an usually biography.
After some months doing some research I found nearly 4000 different photographs, so I just decide to choose 300 that really are part of his life essence. I am sure that most of the pictures I show you today you can find it in internet, but this book in not about photographs, is about the history that lay behind them.

Enjoy your reading.

Tras unos meses de investigación encontré cerca de cuatro mil fotos diferentes de Steve Jobs y sus productos. Decidí elegir unas pocas pero que sean representativas de su vida, y que tuviesen una historia que contar. Al fin y al cabo no es un libro de fotografías sino un libro sobre la vida de una persona.

Así es como comienza un libro que te tendrá atrapado desde la primera a la última página y que cuando le acabes estarás deseando mas porque seguro que se te habrá hecho corto debido a su fácil y rápida lectura...

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